World Mental Health day

World Mental Health Day – 10th October 2021

The BSMHD would like to let you know about the World Mental Health day on Sunday October 10th which is focusing on the theme of “Mental Health in an Unequal World”.

We know that Deaf people have a much harder time accessing mental health care compared to hearing people. There is unequal access to care and services for Deaf people depending on where they live in the country. If you live near a specialist deaf mental health service, like in Manchester, Birmingham or London, then you are likely to have easier access than if you live in other areas. There is an unequal distribution of specialist deaf mental health services throughout the UK. The recent impact of the corona virus has also accentuated this inequality with deaf people experiencing higher levels of stress and isolation, and poorer access to services.

The BSMHD is focused on trying to make this inequality recognised so that it can be addressed and improved. We want Deaf people to have better access to mental health services such as bereavement support, counselling and therapy.